We live in a 3rd floor apartment so when it is even a little warm out, our apartment is HOT. We have been trying to figure out fun things to have the kids do so that way we can delay putting the A/C units into the windows. Yesterday we went to Mcdonalds.

The Mcdonalds closest to here has a really good indoor play area, the kids can run wild and burn off a ton of energy while being inside (no risk of sunburn) and we are in a nice cold air conditioned area! The no risk of sunburn may not be a huge deal with my tan skinned little girls but it seems like can I burn on a rainy day, So while I LOVE this weather I have to be very generous with the sun screen! Finding anything we can do to stay out of the sun on hot days is a must for me!

We got the girls ice cream and I got some too! I got Tillamook Marion Berry Pie ice cream! It was amazing! One thing I love about living in oregon is Tillamook products! And no this is not a sponsored post! I LOVE Marionberries our favorite spring/summer treat is Marion Berry milkshakes! Ok I am so off topic.
But during the school week we usually have an extra. I watch my husbands cousin after school so when you see pictures of an extra kid that is her! She is a built in play buddy for Ellie, now if only we can find Emma a friend around her age... Anyone in woodburn with a 4 year old who needs a play date partner hit me up... lol.

We let the girls play for a little while they even were nice enough to stop and let me take a few pictures. Even if they wouldn't smile for the camera. If only Juan would have gotten some pictures of me trying to get these pictures... Yes I was that crazy mom standing on a table to get my shot. I can be a bit of a klutz, I actually fell down a few steps about two hours before this, so maybe I should stick to both feet on the ground.

As I am sitting here Emma is bugging me to go and play again. I bet she will be very excited when she finds out what we have planned today! You want to know what we have planned today? Well check back tomorrow I will have a post about what we do today up tomorrow!
What are some activities that you do with your children?
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