I have cut back to almost no caffeine. The only time I have any caffeine is the occasional Dutch Freeze. Some times Dutch bros is just too darn tempting... I have however cut down to no soda at all. I figured it is best for the baby if it is not in my system and it is best for me if I stop drinking caffeine slowly instead of going cold turkey, so now I am caffeine free!
So what do i drink then? I mostly drink water with lemon, or berries. I also LOVE lemon cucumber water but every time I drink it I end up with a crazy craving for subway. In the research I have found if you end up pregnant with twins(Yes this is a very real possibility) you have to really up your water intake, I am upping it so that way I am prepared and one less of an adjustment to make in the future.
I am taking my prenatal vitamins I keep them in my purse so no matter where I am I take them with my lunch. Right now I am taking Bayer's one a day prenatal and DHA. I am excited to say that I won a 30 day supply of the Premama prenatal vitamin I have been wanting to try. It is a pretty awesome idea it is a powder you mix in with your drink instead of having to swallow a pill! I am pretty excited to try them! I will update the This post after I get the vitamins in the mail and try them out!
I am also eating more protein and I have been upping my Iron. I usually eat a LOT of chicken I prefer chicken over red meat any day. Red meat however has more Iron so I have been sucking it up and choosing beef, ham and pork over chicken. I am also adding spinach to just about EVERYTHING.

I found an old over the door shoe organizer to use to organize my medications. I want to make sure that everything is 100% organized so I do not miss a shot. pill or patch.
Lots of pregnancy movies I got them all! What to expect when you're expecting, The back up plan, Waitress, Knocked up, Baby mama, Juno and many more! I also stocked up on some good chick flicks! I am getting ready for the 24-48 hours of bed rest after the transfer of embryos. I am also planning on getting a few good books but I know to wait until right before the transfer to get those or I will read them and have nothing to read later. I will be also adding lost of yummy snacks and drinks to keep me laying down when I am on bed rest.
I don't really get on Google plus much but I'm very interested in reading about your journey with surrogacy, with my fertility problems we almost went that route but luckily the intrauterine insemination worked for us please keep writing
ReplyDeleteJennifer I will keep writing through the whole process! It is nice to know that someone is actually reading what I am writing!